Welcome to the FM Week registration page!<\/p>\n
Registration periods<\/strong><\/p>\n Not yet registered? Note 1: <\/strong>At least one author<\/strong> of each accepted paper<\/strong> in an FM\u201919<\/strong> event must be a registered participant in that event (Regular<\/strong> fee).<\/p>\n Note 2<\/strong>: each conference<\/i> ticket grants access to all the events (conferences, workshops, tutorials and other events) occurring in the corresponding time span. Please be aware of overlapping<\/strong> events and do not purchase more tickets than necessary. You can also buy a Full Week<\/strong> ticket giving access to all events and to the FM Week social event. Check out more information about the event below. <\/strong><\/p>\n\n
\nIf you need help with your reservation, please do not hesitate to contact us at contactfm2019@inesctec.pt<\/a>.<\/p>\n